
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Albuquerque Area NOAA Weather Radio WXJ345 Listeners
BNSF Albuquerque Yard/NMRX: Albuquerque to Herzog, NM Area0 Listeners
Rio Rancho Police and Fire, USFS
((Stereo Feed)) Left Side = Rio Rancho DPS (Police Dispatch) *** Right Side = USFS Cibola and Santa Fe Dispatch's. *** Notice -- RR Fire has transitioned to P25. The RR DPS feed will go offline upon RR DPS's full transition to the NM DTRS system.
10 Listeners
Sandoval, Bernalillo, and Santa Fe County Law Enforcement
Bernalillo County SO, Sandoval County SO, Santa Fe PD, Santa Fe County SO, and New Mexico State Police
6 Listeners