
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Albuquerque Area NOAA Weather Radio WXJ342 Listeners
BNSF Albuquerque Yard/NMRX: Albuquerque to Herzog, NM Area0 Listeners
Rio Rancho Police and Fire, USFS
((Stereo Feed)) Left Side = Rio Rancho DPS (Police Dispatch) *** Right Side = USFS Cibola and Santa Fe Dispatch's. *** Notice -- RR Fire has transitioned to P25. The RR DPS feed will go offline upon RR DPS's full transition to the NM DTRS system.
9 Listeners
Sandoval, Bernalillo, and Santa Fe County Law Enforcement
Bernalillo County SO, Sandoval County SO, Santa Fe PD, Santa Fe County SO, and New Mexico State Police
4 Listeners