
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
CHART District 70 Listeners
Ocean City Beach Patrol
OCBP Channels 1 & 2 (Talkaround) W/ OCFD Dispatch and OC Call. Don't expect to hear much until mid May. Use OCFD Steam for operations until then.
0 Listeners
Ocean City Fire Department
OCFD Only - All OC Channels + Trooper & Patches.
1 Listeners
Worcester County / Ocean City Fire
Worcester Fire and EMS, and the Ocean City Fire Department. This is a Fire & EMS Feed Only. This feed has tags and is being broadcast from Proscan.
7 Listeners
Worcester County Fire and EMS, State Police and Highway
-=OC Beach Scanner=- Serving live audio from Worcester County Fire, EMS and Highway. With MD State Police (Berlin Barracks).
8 Listeners