Myrtle Beach International Airport (KMYR)
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Tower, Ground / Clearance Delivery, Unicom, App/Dep East, App/Dep West, Distress/Emergency / Guard (121.5 MHZ)

  This busy Class C airspace in the second fastest growing resort area in the nation, Myrtle Beach SC, is a excellent source to "learn how to work with ATC".  At times you could hear Radio Traffic on Guard... This is generally an aircraft calling another by request from Air Traffic Control for them to join ATC on the correct frequency. Some times you will hear a loud siren sound...That is an ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter).  This signal is used to home in on lost aircraft, boats in distress and Personal Locator Beacons by the Coast Guard and Local Emergency Management using their Search and Rescue Drones and aircraft.